News & Articles

Fancy a Crossword?

There must be a particular type of person who is drawn to crossword puzzles.  First of all, people who spend part of each day on crossword puzzles must love words.  I suspect that if a person doesn’t like words”—the sound of them, their meanings, their spelling—that person would shy away from crossword puzzles.   In school,…

Honoring the Roots of the Tree

I grew up in a time when most people in my town were members of one local church or another.  I recall this with no intention of romanticizing an era when participation in religious life was so assumed that asking for one’s religious affiliation could be found on job applications.  In that environment, I remember…

More Hot Air

I begin by apologizing to all the military balloon experts who will be insulted by my flippant attitude, but I have to admit that my first reaction to the Chinese balloon that floated over the country was to smile and say, “Really?  You sent a balloon to spy on us?”  I thought immediately of a…

Fox in the Henhouse

“You’re really going to put the fox in charge of the henhouse?”  That’s the question that struck me when I read recently that the United Nations appointed Sultan al-Jabar, a Mideast oil executive, to lead the climate talks this fall in the United Arabs Emirates.   Rightly, the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance expressed its outrage…

Baseball Card Wisdom

My parents moved to another city when I was away at college.  On my first visit to our new home, I discovered that my Dad had thrown out my collection of baseball cards in the move.  Ever since then, I have wondered if there were some rare and valuable cards that ended up in the…


What are people of faith to do when others who claim to have the same faith use that faith against democracy?  This is the question I wrestle with more and more as advocates of “Christian nationalism” seem intent on subverting our democracy in the name of God.   There are examples all across our country of…