News & Articles


Once I retired, I knew that I’d finally have the time to read books that were on my “need-to-read” list.  Recently, I accidentally or providentially ran across the name of Dr. Howard Thurman, an author whom I always intended to read but, for some reason, hadn’t managed to.  But once I discovered that Martin Luther…

Christmas Memories

It is a Christmas tradition in our family to watch the film version of A Child’s Christmas in Wales.  The film is a sentimental window into Christmastime a hundred years ago in a different culture, but not so different as to confuse American viewers.   The film, based on Dylan Thomas’ poem of the same name,…

Learning to Love the World Cup

I will admit to having a mild case of World Cup fever.  As is true of most Americans, I had seen soccer, or what the rest of the world calls “football” or “futbol,” played before.  But my passions when I was growing up were basketball and baseball, and I am positive that my high school…

Charles Dickens

I was watching a movie version of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol with my wife recently when I had a strong feeling that I’d encountered this story before.  No, I’m not talking about earlier film versions of Dickens’ classic, but something far more ancient.  Growing up the son of a minister and ending up teaching…

Hardy Boys

If you are looking for a nearly foolproof Christmas gift idea, I have a suggestion for you to consider.  And as an added bonus, I can promise that this gift will actually be good for the brains of those who receive it.     I am talking about a book, but not just any book.  I am…

Words of Ancient Wisdom for our Time

This is the type of fast that I wish: to loosen the fetters of injustice . . . to set free those who are oppressed . . . to share your bread with the hungry, and to offer shelter to the homeless poor, to clothe the naked when you behold them and not turn your…