News & Articles

Putin & Ukraine

I am calling on our two US senators, Todd Young and Mike Braun, as well as Indiana’s US representatives to publicly repudiate Trump’s deeply disturbing support of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.  In case you haven’t paid attention, Trump called Putin’s invasion “genius” and “savvy.” I am also calling on all Republicans to accept what would…

DJ Mark Twain

Mark Twain once said that there are two days that are most important in a person’s life.  One is the day you were born and the other is the day you figure out why.  One of the greatest honors and privileges of working with college students is that so many of them share with their…

Car Nostalgia

In looking through old photos recently, I came across one with our car in the background.  The photo brought back a flood of memories of all the good times we had in that car.   Given all the memories we have with our automobiles, it isn’t surprising that cars can seem like family members.  It’s…

Two News Stories Colliding

Two news stories collided recently and the news story that moves our hearts as Americans will decide our future as a society.  One news story centers on the bill being proposed by several Indiana Republican legislators to ban discussion of topics such as racism from the classroom because these legislators deem those topics as potentially…

The Fish That Didn’t Get Away

If there is one certainty in fishing, it is that there is no certainty.  This past summer, on the Wisconsin lake I know best, I stumbled onto a new fishing strategy.  Instead of fishing with everyone else from six in the evening until sunset, I began to venture out later,  when the sky was already…

DJ Humility

One of the greatest challenges facing parents in the next decade will be to understand the allure of fanaticism for young people. It wasn’t that long ago that calling someone a fanatic was, if not an insult, at least a warning that such a person was dangerous. For a growing number of people now, to…