Friends Make Us Strong
During the Cold War, we referred to Eastern European nations under Moscow’s control as the Soviet Bloc. The term “bloc” suggests frozenness—a perfect description of life in those sad countries. Those countries weren’t part of the bloc by choice; they were controlled and dominated by the Kremlin.
I will never forget my own brief encounter with the Soviet Bloc nation of Yugoslavia. When I travelled with a college group through Western Europe in the early 1980s, our caravan made a brief stopover in Zagreb. At the time, Yugoslavia was the most free of the Soviet-controlled countries, but all my memories are of a dismal society. When we entered a grocery store to buy supplies, I saw that most of the shelves were empty; I mean, completely empty. And the mood of the shoppers was equally dismal.
Eastern European countries that tried to break free of Soviet control faced invasion and slaughter. That was the experience of Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Moscow’s strategy to feel secure was simple: invade and dominate. Little wonder that no nation voted in free elections to join the Soviet Bloc.
In Western Europe and nations like ours, another strategy was followed. In NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, free democratic nations banded together voluntarily for security. There was no coercion, no invasion, no slaughter. No wonder nations are still clamoring to join NATO.
History teaches us that free societies that are linked by treaties will always defeat those formed through coercion. The best way to achieve security is through friendships and mutual respect; yet, we are currently struggling to stay true to the lesson that history has taught us.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is Putin’s application of old-time Soviet-style thinking in the modern context. Fearful of the influence of the West, Putin did what his Soviet bosses would have done—he invaded.
We shouldn’t be surprised that China’s Xi Jinping is threatening to invade Taiwan. Invade, dominate, repress—that’s the strategy of authoritarian leaders.
What is more alarming is that we are hearing some of this same language from the new administration. It should shock us to the core that the new administration has not ruled out invading and taking over Greenland and has suggested that Canada would be better off under our control.
The obstacle is that both Canada and Denmark, which has sovereignty over Greenland, are fellow members of NATO. They have been faithful friends and allies. Denmark has already allowed one US base in Greenland, and perhaps a second more secretive one, and Canada has always been a willing partner in ensuring security in our Hemisphere. I will say it again. They are friends, allies.
Both Denmark and Canada have replied with a firm “no” to this unexpected and unwelcome talk coming out of the new administration. And they should have NATO’s complete support.
If Denmark’s sovereignty and Canada’s sovereignty are threatened in any way by the new administration, NATO nations will be in conflict with one another, and that will mean the end of NATO. The tragedy of this is not just that our country will be seen as an aggressor nation, but we will have lost
the moral capacity to denounce Putin and Xi Jinping. The green light will be on for Russia and China to invade more nations and areas.
If the strongest bonds are those formed through friendship, then the weakest bonds are created by coercion and control. At a time like this, politics isn’t that different from marriage. A good marriage is held together by mutual affection and care. A marriage is weak when one half of the relationship intimidates and rules by violence.
The US has not always been faithful to its mission, but that mission is to be a beacon of liberty to the world. We are the one nation that almost every other nation in the world has wanted as a friend. Let’s stay true to this amazing and inspiring legacy.