News & Articles
It’s Okay To Be Sentimental
Looking back over the years, I realize that many of my clearest Christmas memories are from when my wife and I were first married or when our boys were little. Paradoxically, those were the days when money was tightest. One of my favorite Christmas memories stems from when we were in graduate school in Scotland.…
Dorothy Day’s Troubling Conscience
Although every world religion maintains that we are spiritual beings, we can decide to believe or disbelieve that. Humans who admit that the spiritual life is real must still decide how important spiritual matters will be in their lives. Let’s think of the spiritual life as similar to basketball. For some people, basketball is a…
O Little Town of Bethlehem . . .
I have visited Bethlehem only once and that was nearly fifty years ago, but I will never forget the experience. As is true of other Christians, I came not as a tourist, but as a pilgrim. Tourists are attracted to sacred sites for many reasons. Some come out of curiosity. Some come because they’ve been…
Life In Balance
If you have been paying attention to collegiate sports, you will undoubtedly notice that more and more athletes are competing for their second and sometimes third college or university. Being curious about this trend, I opened the NCAA site that lists the guidelines for transferring and eligibility. I’m not qualified to evaluate these guidelines in…
Children Are To Be Seen And Heard
It has been a joy to have our grandchildren with us for Thanksgiving this year. Not having been with them for eight months, we’ve marveled at how much they’ve grown and what new interests they have. Our granddaughter, aged six, asked to help prepare the Thanksgiving meal. Our grandson, aged nine, is still not too…
As Real As It Gets
It is always rewarding when people tell me that they’ve enjoyed reading one of my books. We authors hope that what we’ve written informs and entertains, but there’s nothing like a supportive comment from readers to encourage us to continue writing. My wife has written letters to authors whom she enjoys, and quite often she…